
11. Enclitics

Ko e ‘enikilītiki’ ‘oku ‘uhinga ki ha  ongo fo’i lea ‘e ua ‘oku pu’aki kae ongo ha fakamamafa ‘o e le’o’ ‘o hangē ai kinaua ha fo’i lea pe ‘e taha’ ka ‘oku ‘ikai. Ko e fo’i lea mekehekehe kinaua ‘e ua. Ko hono tohi leva ‘o e lea peheni’ ‘oku vahe’i kinaua ‘aki ‘a e faka’ilonga fakamamafa pau’. Ko e ngaahi lea natula pipiki ‘eni ka ‘oku mavahe ‘o kau ai ‘a e e, u, ku, ma, te, ta, ke, mo, ne, na and ni.  Hangē ko ‘eni: fie pipiki ‘a e ni ki he lea ko e fale ‘o peheni – fale’ ni (this house).

Kiliki heni:

Lea faka’ilonga taimi, Veape, ‘EtiveapeEtisekitivi, ‘ĀtikoloNauna   Peleposisini

Enclitic means an instance when two words are pronounced with so little emphasis that they sound like one word. However, they are in fact two separate words divided by the definitive accent symbol ՛.  The full list of enclitics is as follows: e, u, ku, ma, te, ta, ke, mo, ne, na and ni.  For examples: ni in fale’ ni (this house). Click the links below for more exercises on this topic and some important information about the Akoola courses.