
4. Glottal-stop vowels

Ko e ngaahi vauele fakau’a’ ‘eni ‘A‘a ‘E‘e ‘I‘i ‘O‘o ‘U‘u. Ko e ngaahi vauele ‘eni kuopau ke ō fakataha kinautolu mo e ongo mo e faka’ilonga fakau’a’. ‘Oku kehe kinautolu mei he vauele ‘ikai fakau’a’ pe ‘oku ui ko e vauele angamaheni’ hangē ko e Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu.


Kiliki heni ki he fakiikiiki: Lea faka’ilonga taimi, Veape, ‘EtiveapeEtisekitivi, ‘ĀtikoloNauna   Peleposisini

These are the glottal-stopped vowels  ‘A‘a ‘E‘e ‘I‘i ‘O‘o ‘U‘u. These are the vowels which are accompanied by the sound and symbol of the glottal-stop ‘. Click the links above for more exercises on this topic and some important information about the Akoola courses..